“My people perish…”
If you are just now ‘tuning in’, please find a copy of the email I sent to the worship community at my blog
link: https://mycuprunnethover14.blogspot.com/2023/06/my-people-perish-can-you-complete-bible.html
Hosea 4:6 is the passage that was partially quoted: “My people are perishing/destroyed for lack
of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being
a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also
will forget your children.” A simple Google
search of what scripture passage tells us that God said His people will perish
could have helped an interested person find the answer quickly. Ancient words, yes, but eternally true! Don’t make the same
mistake that God’s people made in the past, but, rather, allow those ancient
words from God’s eternal Word to change you, your children and your children's children. You see, God is serious about, protective
of us, and has radical love for those who are called by His name to know Him
and His ways and Word. This past Sunday, the Pastor preached on that relationship
factor in our lives.
In the true story about Camp Lejeune, the people died from
lack of knowledge. They did not know that their water supply was poisoned by
toxic chemicals that activated dormant cancer cells or caused new cancers
within individuals. Back then, as now,
even the best water filters cannot filter out all toxic substances. They did not know the real reason why they were getting sick and dying. Back then, the fight against cancer was ongoing like it is now; new cancers and their causes took longer to identify and to source. In some cases, that is still very true. The people who
lived at, worked at, visited regularly, or otherwise had constant contact with
the base at Camp Lejeune and drank its coffee, tea, used ice cubes, or ate food from there that
was cooked with the contaminated water had no idea what they were consuming.
They lacked the knowledge about why they were becoming ill and dying. They did
not know. And, sadly, it is suspected that the knowledge of how the water was
being contaminated was not told to the people and the public immediately. Those
who had the knowledge or were given the information did not respond to the
urgency of what that knowledge and information implied. Thus, thousands of
lives were ruined, people died because of the lack of knowledge. The excruciating
suffering of thousands and their deaths were the horrific consequences of the
lack of knowledge.
Here is a brief background to the quotation from Hosea 4, verse 6: God’s prophet Hosea had one of the most challenging assignments as a prophet. Because the majority of God’s people in the nations of Israel and Judah had turned to idol worship, had rejected God’s law for generations, God called Hosea to marry an unfaithful wife to illustrate the unfaithfulness of His people. God’s people had lost interest in things of God; they had turned His festivals into drunken celebrations and mixed in with it worship of foreign gods. The foreign gods from the countries around them fascinated God’s people because of the carnal natures they
Here we are in the 21st century, surrounded by idols and culture very much like God’s people in Hosea’s day. Inside of God’s Church today, as it was with the called out people of God in Hosea's day, idolatry still takes place. Idols do not have to be statues or pictures of ‘gods’. An idol is anything that takes the place of God in our life. What might some idols be? Some have made their careers an idol – they have placed their careers in a position where their lives are consumed by it – they eat, drink and sleep – as the saying goes – their jobs. Everything else becomes second. Perhaps sports and similar activities have become an idol – how many hours a day are spent doing or watching sports, working out, etc.? A number have made devices their idols – so that they have become addicted to their phones and other communication or gaming devices; there are some youths that have had murder in their hearts when parents or persons in authority have taken away their devices. Pride and self-interest, and social media have become idols – several hours are spent on self-absorbed activity and/or on social media sites; many surf and scroll through their media sites/text messages, or gaming during times of worship. Pride exalts oneself as the supreme authority – ignoring, rejecting, and sometimes berating God and His Word as outdated or not modern enough, and persons who are prideful are easily offended. Family, certain cultural traditions that do not align with the Word of God; entertainments; money, cigarettes – tobacco and marijuana, vaping; cocaine and other drugs that produce psychotropic effects; sex and all versions of carnality including promoting sexuality through appearance, through speech, etc.; gossip. These and other behaviors and actions are the toxic things that persons professing Christ have allowed into their own lives that have supplanted or caused over a course of time and repetition, a rejection of God and His Word. The Jewish nations were engaging in the 8th, 7th, and 6th century B.C. versions of the 21st century noted above. To use an old saying – same dance, different instrument. God has told the Church and members of it that there is no excuse for not knowing Him, and that those who falsely claim to know Him will be unknown by Him.
how to live out our faith in that role as described in Peter's letter.
Just as in the days of Hosea, the devil, satan, knows scripture better than many churchgoers or persons professing Christianity. Some people shirk off reading and studying scripture because what God says in it is the opposite of what they want to do, and/or they think that God’s Word is so old-fashioned, that it has little to do with our lives today. And that is just the position that the devil wants us in. That is why so many churchgoers are filled with false knowledge, why so many barely resemble Christ in their thoughts, actions, and character. They do not know or they choose to reject knowledge of God and His Word, and instead seek to glorify self, satisfy self by whatever means at hand, and even do so in a way that they think they are giving God praise and worship!
Today, as you read God’s Word, heed the warning God has given through Hosea. Repent of the choice to reject God and His Word, and seek forgiveness and mercy from God. Ask Him to show you His cleansing truth and allow you to experience it, to address your needs and situation, to answer your questions, to draw closer to Him.
"O that today you would hear His voice and not harden your hearts!" (paraphrased from Hebrews 4:7)
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