Thursday, August 22, 2019


Anger - We have all been there, right? Is there anyone of us who has never been angry? 

Not too long ago, I was talking to a Christian who works for a public agency that deals with individuals of all sorts and kinds daily. I offered that her job sounded like it could be stressful. She said that she does not get angry, nor does she feel stressed. I asked her how does that work? She said that she just explains to persons what she is able to do for them and what she cannot do for them, and even if they balk, she says it doesn’t bother her. I blessed her, thanked God for that, and let her know that I was glad she was able to keep calm. I’m sure, though, that I scrunched up my eyebrows at some point in our conversation as I have been in places like where she works, and there are a lot of hurt persons and angry persons that pass through the doors. Desperate persons who feel cheated by the system and by life.

Some weeks later, I ran into her again for a few minutes. We began chatting and she mentioned that she was stressed out and tired of the challenges at work. I got her to talk about what she was facing, and tried to offer some comfort, suggestions, and prayer for her as much as I could in the short time span we had.

Every one at one time or another gets annoyed, upset by, or angry with others. Why do you think that is so?  
Perhaps explaining what Anger is can help us figure it out. Anger is a strong feeling or response to a circumstance - a very strong emotion that often fuels a physical response that can be mildly to extremely tense and even verbal. This is because anger happens when a person feels that: his or her convictions about a thing or person have been violated; that his or her trust has been violated; or, that one's person and/or personhood has been violated. 

Do you recall the very first demonstration of anger by a person in the Bible?

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