Sunday, February 3, 2019

Healthy Lives, Healthy Hearts

What is the condition of your hearts –your physical hearts? What does your health lifestyle look like? This isn’t a trivial question! As the Pastor’s sermon on January 27 iterated, our health condition can either add pleasure or angst to our lives. Did you know that the Bible has a lot to say about being careful of our physical health?* 

I was reading health news and learned that heart disease is not a respecter of persons at any age. That is why we are always being told to drink a whole lot of water – 64 oz. at least per day (I get a failing grade on this mo
st days!). Why we are told to eat a fiber-rich diet (even desserts!) – but be sure to drink a lot of water or otherwise you set yourself up! Why we are told to keep our cholesterol low and avoid a diet of fried foods and foods that have a high fat, sugar, and sodium content – without a doubt too much fast food and pre-processed food slows our health. Exercise at least 3 days a week. Avoid alcohol (youth and young adults particularly) and avoid smoking anything – including vaping. Getting proper rest – I saw a report recently which shows getting proper rest is more challenging nowadays with all the digital distractions that research has shown to actually make us more tired due to how the light affects our brains and robs us of necessary sleepBelieve it or not, our surroundings and sometimes the folks we hang with can impact our health or health perspectives particularly if the friendships are toxic, or we subscribe to a negative lifestyle they may practiceAnd the list could go on 

We especially know – perhaps more than our non-Christian colleaguesthat as Christians, our bodies are not perfect due to the damaging effects of sin we inherited from Adam, and that there is nothing we can do to make them perfect or impervious to sin’s effectsEach new generation feels its detrimental impact more than the previous one. That is why we as humans are prone to sickness of some kind – and the kinds seem to never end, why we have to have vaccinations or inoculations to help us ward off viruses that do harmwhy we take vitamins and supplements because the food we eat lacks all the complete nutrition we need, and our lifestyles are demanding. Sometimes the environments in which we live can contain toxic elements that impact our health. (Think Flint, Michigan) We go to the doctor to get a checkup to make sure all the parts are working, or to learn of those which are not so that they can be treated. And be reminded again about how to best take care of our bodies, especially our hearts. 
Yet, even when we take care of ourselves, because of Adam’s original sin, which I refer to as ‘sin DNA’, we can develop health problems due to contagions in the environment, or something in our family’s genes that no one knew about. Including heart disease. As a result of the thousands of years of sin’s damaging impact on our bodies, heart disease leading to heart attack or stroke continues to outpace cancer as a leading cause of death from disease; however, cancer is not that far behind. Various cancers plague humankind. Almost everyone knows someone who has had to deal with some kind of cancer or even pre-cancer conditions. And you don’t have to have exceedingly bad habits to contract it – as noted above, sometimes it just shows up. 

Did you know that in the Bible there is a scripture passage that tells about how our bodies are impacted by Adam’s ‘sin DNAWhile it is illustrating natural aging, it is indicative of how our body parts can fail at any age. It’s found in Ecclesiastes 12. The speaker of wisdom uses symbolism to describe the age/wear/health loss process. At verses 6 and 7, he speaks concerning the heart: the pitcherbebrokenatthefountain– which refers to the vena cava which returns blood back to the right ventricle of the heart, and the wheelbrokenatthecistern or the great aorta which receives the blood from the left ventricle of the heart. Being broken means that they have ceased to function properly. Per the examples at the link below, the brokenness can occur at any age.  

This information is not meant to frighten you or, like someone I know does, make you think that every twitch, itch, or pain is an indication that you have some kind of terminal disease! Rather, this is meant to serve just the opposite, to encourage us to be practical about our health and become intentional about being the healthiest we can be. Christians have an extra incentive to take care of their bodies, because for those who have been saved and who have made Jesus Lord of their life, their bodies become a temple of God the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)  

On Friday, February 1, 2019 the American Heart Association invited people to wear red in support of women’s heart health, and to check up on their own heart health. 

*Here are some other Bible passages about caring for our health: 
Proverbs 4:20-22 – advice of the Proverb teller 
Proverbs 17:22 – cheerful heart 
Proverbs 16:24 – words and attitude 
Ecclesiastes 11:10 – anxiety can impact us 
Proverbs 20:1 – deception of alcohol 
Proverbs 14:30 (NLT) – stress and envy   
Psalms 38:3-8 (NLT) – pursuing and maintaining a strong moral core vital to health 
Proverbs 12:25 (NAS) – impact of anxiety and stress 
3 John 1:2 (NIV) – the impact of a positive, Christ-like friend 
Psalm 28:7 (NIV) – praising God is good for one’s health!! 
Daniel 1:3-16 – impact of a healthy diet 
Proverbs 23:29-35 – impact of drinking 
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 – physical exercise and self-control in diet, activity, and what we rest our eyes upon are practices of a healthy lifestyle 


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