my God, my God!
Believers, have you listened to the news and the world around you, the violence and greed, and tell yourself, "if this isn't the tribulation, and intellectually you know it isn't because the rapture has not occurred, but the world is spinning out of control, the church is undergoing schism and parts are cooling (see Rev 2 and 3), you reason - if it is NOT the tribulation I really don't want to be there!" And you know that these worsening conditions is impetus for you to more than ever share the Gospel with as many as you can because the Day is surely coming... It's like the storm the weatherman predicts as 30% that becomes 60%, and then severe weather warnings cross your television screen, light up your phone, scream from the radio, and the siren seems to go on forever. And the person just turns over in bed and yells for people to be quiet...
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