Dear Friends,
We are in so many listings so that we can be identified and reached by others: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, to name a few electronic ones. The school and work office keeps you on a list. Social Security Administration has you on a list. Those of you who have ever worked are probably on at least one tax list in the federal or state books. You may be in the White pages in either the hard copy or online version. You may be on a scout list, a birthday list. You may appear on a 'virtual' list should your name be Googled. You and your home may be in a book down at the department of land records or whatever the agency is called. You can probably think of other books and lists that you can be found on.
Do you know what book I mean? We all start out there, but we do not all end up in there. For the answer, you need to read…. Exodus 32:32-33; Psalm 69:28; Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:5; Revelation 20:15.
God keeps lists. He is a list-keeping God. Wonder why if He is all knowing and all present? Think about who benefits the most from the lists we mortals keep. Not just the list-generator, but also as those who will view/use the list and the one who’s name is listed.
Ok. All for now.
That there is a Book of Life from which a name can be blotted out gives one cause to pause...