What is the Ultimate Blessing of God? Many within and
without Christianity surmise that such a blessing is riches, power, big houses
and fleets of vehicles. Others say the ultimate blessing is nonstop good
health, food and pleasure.
A person viewing God’s ultimate blessing in those
terms may be disappointed by Jesus’ statements at Matthew 5:1-12. There Jesus shows us that the ultimate blessing is about relationship with God.
In Psalm 24, David expresses his confidence in who God is
and the ultimate blessing God imparts: an intimate relationship with Himself, the
Most High God, Sovereign over all! That blessing comprises His saving grace, a
right standing before Him, and His desire for us to live into His moral will.
Ephesians describes that relationship with God as “in Christ;” in Him we are
bathed in an outpouring of all spiritual blessings from His hand. (Ephesians 1)
From those blessings come provision for all our needs. (Phil 4:19).
In this
ultimate blessing, we are drawn into His spiritual family and made joint heirs
with Christ. We come to know God in that ultimate blessing as Father, and the
more intimate Abba Father. Do we truly comprehend what God offers us – a
blessing beyond anything we can ever imagine? (Ephesians 3:20-21; Colossians 1:9-14; 2:2) Too often, though, we short-shrift God’s blessing, His promised
presence in our lives, because we don’t get what we want from Him. Brothers and
sisters, God does not promise to satisfy our every fleshly desire and whim; His
promise is to be always present with those who love Him, guiding us to His
best for our lives. (Psalm 23; 139:1-6, 16-18)
As we live into God’s ultimate blessing, are we not filled
with the desire to praise Him with our words and behavior, to be His living
gospel, to not embarrass Him? We are His children, Christ’s siblings! Should we
not pray and listen to Him, obey His Word? Jesus declares that obedience to
God’s will and Word is the essence of worship. (John 14:15, 23-24) We are
embraced in that relationship by the full Godhead, and there is nothing or no
one – not even ourselves – that can separate us from that love. (John 10:28-29;
Romans 8:35, 38-39) Are we living into God’s blessing? Do we understand that an
intimate relationship with God and to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever is His
greatest desire for us? Everything else flows from there.
(Habakkuk 3:17-19; Philippians 4:4-7)
By contrast, the psalmist clearly admonishes in Psalm 24
that those who reject the LORD as Sovereign, and pursue a lifestyle
contrary to His moral law, cannot enjoy that ultimate blessing of intimacy with
Him. Let us never spurn God’s ultimate blessing, but continually seek His
presence and learn His will! (Hebrews 6:1-6; Isaiah 44:22; 55:7; Psalm 32; Ephesians1:17-19)